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Khmer Comedy, CTN Comedy, Pekmi Comedy, Ah Knary 21 November 2015


[Album] Sunday VCD Vol 166 || DAT

khmer song, download khmer song

  1. Prek Aeng Ors Song Khoem (Niko)|| Download || 
  2. I Love You (Yuri) || Download || 
  3. Srolanh Oun Torl Tae Oun Chhob Srolanh Bong (Kola)|| Download || 
  4. Srolanh Oun Ory Chrern Cheang Ke Tuv Ban hery (Linda) || Download || 
  5. SongSar Ery Sava Males (SreyNeang) || Download || 
  6. Arom Pit (Niko)|| Download || 
  7. Besduong Bong Min Men Somrab Chhuer (Niko)|| Download || 
  8. Nhae Ke Ban Jam Baek Pi Oun (Linda)|| Download || 
  9. Bong Nhae Ke Ban Somrach Hery (Kola)|| Download || 
  10. KroPek Ke Ruot Chorl (Niko)|| Download || 

[Track] Ler Luok Nis Neak Na Chong Khro - Khem (Original Song) || Download

[Track] Ler Luok Nis Neak Na Chong Khro - [Khem (Original Song] || Download

[Album] Town CD Vol 59 || Phjum Bin

01-Mean Pel Man Brak Ta Bath Puk Mea (Sorphea) || Download || Mediafire ||
02-Songsa Hao Tov Bos bay Bin (Nisa)|| Download || Mediafire ||
03-Rean Chop Kalna Ka Bropun bath (Karona)|| Download || Mediafire ||
04-Sen Sro Nus (Khem)|| Download || Mediafire ||
05-Tam Pros Srolanh (Rayu Ft Thina)|| Download || Mediafire ||
06-Phamung Hol Thmey (Sorphea)|| Download || Mediafire ||
07-Oun Chol Onsom Tov Sei Nom Phung (Kreon)|| Download || Mediafire ||
08-Ka Tret Mes Bong (Narin)|| Download || Mediafire ||
09-Kro Mun Khea Pjom (Karona)|| Download || Mediafire ||
10-Pres Nov Knong Ptes (Nisa)|| Download || Mediafire ||
11-Dek Op Mea (Rayu)|| Download || Mediafire ||
[Download Full Album]

Khmer Comedy, Pekmi Comedy, Neak Mean Kun, 12 September 2015, CTN Comedy

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Sin Sisamuth Collection

  In January of 1979, Vietnam at long last mediated and drove Khmer Rouge out of the nation, permitting Cambodia to restore their way of life. Individuals quickly started to rejoin at the country's funding to attempt to breath new life into the way of life back, yet lamentably numerous others endured, are as yet enduring, from post traumatic stretch and are excessively anxious, making it impossible to backpedal to their typical, quiet lives. Specialists required every single other musical performer to return forward and bring the glad society of music and moving. A few craftsmen did, declining to accommodation and trepidation, however other surviving artists and dance specialists kept their personality covered up.

 Today's Khmer people are as yet recuperating, as is the way of life. Old melodies have been restored because of sightseers who still had their tapes and individuals who got away Cambodia amid the Khmer Rouge lead and brought their tapes with them. A CD was discharged in 1999 with the prewar melodies that had been spared. The CD had no data about the artists or the names of the tune, so there was still much recouping to be finished.

 Today, the Khmer's customary music is totally restored, alongside whatever is left of the way of life. The Khmer individuals have strived hard to continue passing their way of life customs down through its eras, and the way of life is all that much alive. The music's prevalence is basically among the more seasoned era, however the prewar tunes are being blended into flow hip jump and rap music tracks, so it is gradually presenting it to the more youthful group of onlookers. For instance, there are numerous new love tunes that are turning out to suit the more youthful eras, yet they are mirroring the melodies made back in the sixties.

For the popular Cambodian old singer, was Mr. Sin Sisamuth he had gone for along time ago but his song still alive.

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